Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who Needs College?

There's something about Boards of Canada that makes writing come more naturally than it already does for me. I love it. The only downside is how depressed I get when I start writing. Before it used to be the only thing that could help me get through the darkness, but now it seems as if it just makes it worse. Facebook doesn't help much either. I see all of my 'friends' being successful and meeting new people. That's probably something I'll never be good at. I try but it doesn't seem to work out. Every application I send in doesn't get a call-back. I'm beginning to think online applications are a lie the managers all came up with so they didn't have to acknowledge that you need a job. I was told that job opportunities would fall at my feet when everyone went to college. Apparently, no one is hiring.
One day, I want to have meaningless conversations with people browsing through rows of literature or ordering complex coffees. I'd even settle for stocking during the wee hours of the morning. More than anything I want to pay for my education. If I didn't need it to be successful in life, I'd move on, but like my brother said, "You need a PhD to be successful in life." The sad thing is: it's true.
I'm pretty tempted to press "Ctrl+A - Delete" at this point. That's how completely worthless I feel. When you think things couldn't get any worse, they find a way to bend you over a counter and fuck you in the ass until you can't sit down without crying.
Fuck people. Fuck death. Fuck emotion. Fuck everything. There is no such thing as love, or destiny, or luck. The is no predestination of our lives. It's composed of random happenings throughout life that add up to shit. Honestly, I'm pretty tired of these random events going the way they are. If only there was someone or something or some way to control them--but that would be entirely too easy. Everything is inconsistent and irrelevant.
Enough of the whining, it's time to change my life, one photograph at a time. Thus begins my adventure.

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