Friday, September 23, 2011

Dreamless Being.

So I've just come to this fascinating realization that no one, not even I, will care about.
Human relationships and interactions are extremely difficult for me to handle and take care of. "It's not intentional that I haven't texted you back or messaged you on Facebook in weeks, I just can't handle what most people would call a small amount of social interaction. It's too much for me." I could be an introvert, I suppose. Abnormal. Different. Words I've struggled with accepting since grade school, but now I think I'm coming to terms.
Why can't I be allowed to fall off the social face of the earth sometimes? I'll still go to work and everything, but just because I feel like sitting in my room with no lights on and the music in my headphones cranked up with the bass blasting my eardrums into another dimension shouldn't make it seem like "something" is wrong with me. Because in actuality, at that point in time when one would consider that something is wrong with me, it's more than likely that I'm most content with everything. When you need to worry is when I start writing about things. Thinking into the keyboard for no one and everyone to read.
Granted, all of this wasn't as bad as it was before. I'm receding back into my hermit ways with no intentions or desire to come out from under this rock. If anything I'll just burrow deeper in the ground to get away from any disturbance of said rock. The further away from it I go, the sooner I'll forget it's there and nothing else will disturb the rock. It might be moved, but when they look underneath, they won't see me, even if I am there. Further down the rabbit hole if you will.
This is something I came up with, and as soon as I post it, it'll get stolen and trademarked and someone will find a way to make money off it. Oh well. I thunk it first. It's not necessarily how I feel or anything, but it could be something I consider deep down inside of me.

It's not the night of my death I fear, but the mourning after. probably is. My dreams can't be crushed because I don't have any.

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