I'm going to start off by saying this is going nowhere. Basically if you're reading this, you're wasting time. I know I say this other times, but this is going to be a straight up rant. I have nothing controversial to say, though I may speak upon religion. I haven't quite decided yet, but this is really just something I feel like doing.
Every morning I wake up and whisper, "Happy birthday, you," just to make someone I don't even know feel good for a split second. If only that were true. I'd be a compassionate person, when in reality I'm quite the opposite. You can ask anyone that knows me on more than just a first-name-basis. But honestly, what do I care what people think anymore? It's just opinions they form to feel better about themselves. Everyone does it. Hell, I do. I know for a fact I formulate opinions about people I don't even know just so I can smile for a couple seconds. It's what gets you by, you know? That kinda leads into who I really am. I'm an observer. I watch people. I pay attention to my surroundings to the best of my ability. I've been taking a lot of notes lately. Mostly on people, but not limited to art, philosophy, nature, thoughts, and other useless goings on.
Music I used to listen to that I forgot existed coming back into my life is interesting. Songs I listened to every days for months; songs that had memories and emotions linked to them that I couldn't even phrase in words. That random feeling of depression you get in your stomach when you hear a song that was on during a hard turmoil in your life. The goosebumps that make your hair raise when you have flashbacks to some of the best times in your life. Most recently I remember someone talking about being in a car accident and "Dick in a Box" was on and the driver heard it all throughout the day.
That little skip your heart gets when you're so surprised that you actually end up having what I like to consider a mini heart attack. I love that fear. It's like edging closer to death. Death used to scare me but it really doesn't anymore. Life used to scare me, but that doesn't anymore either. What I'm really afraid of is me. Well, me and heights. I wonder if there is a phobia of yourself. I'm going to look into this for a second. I will be back in a moment. Well, it's not a moment for you because you'll just keep reading. I wish I had something to contain you while I search for this answer...
Sorry I was gone so long, I couldn't find anything so I'm going to make it one. εμέναphobia. εμένα is 'me' in Greek. How to say it...well, let's just translate it to English. Mephobia? Works for me.
Moving on. How do things viral spread like herpes? I mean, look at some of the stuff on video websites with over millions of views. Like I understand how it happens, people show others who show others, which is like an std, yes, but I don't understand where I'm going with this actually. But I'm not going to delete it because I told myself I was just going to write with no censoring myself.
Do animals have vulgar words? Wow, nevermind.
Once again, moving on.
Something glorious is about to happen. Would like to know what it is?!
Me too...
False hope.
1 comment:
Your brut honesty never ceases to amaze me.
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