Tuesday, April 21, 2009

For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

One of my good friends, Lizzy Francis, let me borrow a book this weekend. Since I've picked it up, this is like the first time I've been able to stop reading it. It's not the typical book I would read, for it's about a person. You know, like a biography or autobiography. It's definitely not a person I can relate to, considering all the drug problems, sex addictions, and adventurous music life. I feel like I can relate to him though. Emotionally more or less. The way he feels about a woman when he actually cares and sincerely feels is rather similar to me, but you don't care. I'm not really sure why I started writing, but I did. It just kind of spontaneously started. I barely remember going to this site to type it up, but shit, I've already filled the white space.
I've needed to get a lot of things off of my mind for a while and I guess now is an opportune moment to do so.
I've wanted to be a writer longer than I've wanted to be a photographer. Most of you know this. If not, there you go. I don't care if you think my writing is shit, I'm still going to write. More power to you to tell someone how terrible they are at something. Chances are you're not even good at your own passion. Maybe you like art. Well I think you express nothing but pure idiocy. You draw an apple just because it's ever so abstract and means the world to you. It represents how stupid you are. I want to take a shotgun and rape your apple with every bullet in the world. I apologize for that.
Since I aspired to be a writer, I figured why not take creative writing? Oh boy did the year start off fantastic. Mrs. Heck was so cool. She made me enjoy everything there was to enjoy about the most simple aspects of writing. Then I got pretty sick. I was out for a week and when I got back things were starting to change. This new Amish bitch slowly started changing my views on writing. Mrs. McFuckshit [McGrady actually....]. I didn't know what she was doing there and I just assumed she was some kind of substitute or whatever, so I didn't think much of it. I got sick again for another week. Then I got back and she was running the class. It turns out she's a student teacher who's here until May somethingth. No one likes her. I don't even think Mrs. Heck likes her. The only thing I've learned from that class thus far is that if you would like to pursue something, be careful with whom you pursue it with. The bitch made me not want to write. So I didn't. It wasn't until last week that I finally wrote again. Before she started running the show, me and a friend in that class decided to start a project from one Mrs. Heck assigned to us. If you remember from a previous post [Coming to Terms] I mentioned it a little. To be completely honest, I don't think it's gotten farther then the grade we earned on it helping out his GPA. I feel bad bashing on people, but I hate when people ruin things for me like this. Like ignorant people. I hate them. I don't mind stupid people, because they don't know the difference. Ignorance is just ugly. Stupidity can't be helped.
Since I started reading Scar Tissue, it's made me start writing more lyrics and poetry. I sort of like it, but I know I'll never getting around to putting music to it. That truly doesn't bother me. That was another thing I could relate to Anthony Kiedis on. Writing. It just came natural to both of us. We didn't know at the young age that we wanted to pursue. It just started falling into place. I had known for a while that we shared the same day of birth. He explained something I found quite interesting.
"I was nearly a Halloween baby, but being born on November 1 is even more special to me. In numerology, the number one is such a potent number that to have three ones in a row is a pretty good place to start your life."
I always wanted to be a Halloween kid. I tried celebrating on Halloween, but then I just kinda admitted I was born the day after. I'm not really into the -ology things [numerology, astrology, etc.] but I think it's pretty interesting at times. I'm not going to follow them religiously though. If you do, more power to you.
This brings me to my next serving of expression. Religion. I am atheist. I apologize if there are conflicts with my ‘choice of religion'. I'm sorry I don't follow your God and pray daily. I'm sorry I'm not interested in fighting a never-ending intergalactic space battle after I die. I'm sorry I don't believe in reincarnation. if this is you, like I said before, more power to you. I'm not here to tell you, "There is no God." I'm not going to preach my ideas onto you which is sort of ironic if you're reading this. Let me just say my religious views. I'm tired of people getting in fights about there religions in front of me. I just wants peace between others and myself. Just because I view something different than he views, and he views something different than she views something that just so happens to be different than what you believe. Fuck it. Don't let that become one of those moments that could be monumental to you in your future. But who gives a shit about what I think. Live your life.
"Life is worth living." --Lizzy Francis.

I just realized how far I am into writing this and started thinking, "Shit, I don't have a title." I typically start with a title. Like the last thing I wrote. That title was far beyond what was even conceived in that post. At the same time I'm feeling a bit of Untitled thanks to Sigur Rós.

I wish that if I spent days writing, you would spend hours reading. I know a select few of you would, but I also know a handful of you would get the just of it and say, "Cool! I really like it!" Disgusting batch of liars is what you are.
I wish that I could turn my brain off. Just for a moment so I could experience a simple day. Even if I'm zoned out, thinking about 'nothing' I'm probably thinking about everything.
I wish that I had the ability to capture you with my words like a few of my friends can do.
I wish that I could finish with something as strong as I started with in my mind, but this will have to do.

PS-I finally thought of a title.


Anonymous said...

I will just say this.
If you truly love to write and you are not writing (or photography or anything else for that matter), I wouldn't suggest saying "I am willing to write if you are willing to read".
On that note, I wouldn't call people bitches and liars if they don't want to read your work. It's their loss if they want to read your work, but you should write for you, not for them. Fuck em' if they don't like your style.
And lastly, about Mrs. Mc-something? I believe you that you think she's a bitch, as most teachers are, but someone like that should never affect your writing.
You can be a true writer but you need to love writing for itself first. In fact, why don't you fuck it and make this blog private? You'll see your true thoughts more clearly, and you'll tend to not write what other people want to read but what YOU want to see come out from your own mind.

Zark! said...

I do write for myself. People don't get to read those things. If they did, they would understand how fucked up I am and I don't want people to know me.
Thank you Anonymous for your encouraging words. I'll keep writing what I want when I want. And if you think I'm being an ass in this response, I'm not. It sounds like it, but I'm not. People have a right to their own opinion and people have a right to disregard others opinions. I mean, thank you for the concern and all, but I will grow on my own.